My Breast Cancer Diagnosis Story
To me, this ‘story’ makes more sense in a timeline type format. My diagnosis story starts back in August 2020, but my cancer journey story is still ongoing.
• August 13, 2020: I went in for an annual physical with my general physician. During the physical, my GP found a lump in the 2:00 region of my left breast and she referred me to get a breast ultrasound.
• August 17, 2020: An initial breast ultrasound was done and additional lumps were found in left breast that were all believed to be fibroadenomas. At this point none of the doctors/radiologists were concerned with any of the areas since I am so young (26 years old) and have no family history of breast cancer, but they recommended that we do a 6 month follow-up for additional imaging to make sure nothing has changed.
• November 11, 2020: I had a few instances of sharp pain in the largest lump in my left breast. I also felt as though it was becoming larger, more prominent and I was more aware of it. I called my general physicians office to express my concerns and spoke with one of the other physicians at the facility. They advised me that they reviewed my imaging and that nothing looked concerning and unless I was in unbearable pain or if any other changes started to occur, then I should just wait until my 6-month follow-up in February 2021. No other symptoms came up, so I just waited a few more months for my follow-up.
• February 24, 2021: I went back in for my follow-up imaging and they found that the large lump in my left breast had doubled in size. Additionally, they noted this time that I had enlarged lymph nodes near my armpit area. At this point it was determined that a biopsy was going to be needed, but I was still be reassured that everything was likely benign due to my age and family history.
• March 4, 2021: I went in for my biopsy procedure at an actual breast center. Prior to the biopsy, they did one final round of imaging to confirm nothing had changed that would effect their original biopsy plan. After they were finished with the ultrasound imaging, the doctor came in and sat down to talk to me before we moved forward with the biopsy. He was there to prepare me for what was ahead. He told me that in his medical expert opinion, he was confident that the biopsies were going to come back as malignant… and he was right.
• March 5, 2021: The day after my biopsy is when I got the call. The doctor I had met with the day before called me that Friday afternoon to confirm what he already knew… at 26 years old and with no family history of it, I did in fact have breast cancer. Specifically, I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, stage 3 since it has already spread to my lymph nodes.
From March 5, 2021, my life has been a whirlwind of doctors appointments and treatments, but I am happy to say that almost 6 months into this journey I am feeling stronger than ever!